Getting back on schedule

So my site has been hacked for quite a while but now finally I got to work on it and a relative to me, helped me out and fixed it in a few minutes. I myself have been pulling my hair and stressing about how to get it cleaned up, and then it proved to be just an easy problem to fix for him. Well he knows what he does and I was fumbling in the dark. Jesper is at the moment studying in Singapore and I highly recommend you check out his blog and the beautiful pictures he´s been taking on his adventure:

Autumn is here and as always, a lot of work is to be expected. Yesterday we had our second premier of our play that we performed with during summer.  We have worked all summer on Molières play: “The Miser”, which we are now performing at Teatteri Iltatähti in Kokkola. We speak both Finnish and Swedish in our production and we have our last performances on friday 9.9 and Saturday 10.9. You are more than welcome!


I also had the pleasure to visit Teater Surra in Stockholm, Sweden, a few weeks ago. The work mainly with physical theatre and masks in the way of commedia dell’arte. It was an interesting visit and I got to see them work, hear stories from over the years, and also get ideas for my own work. Next week new theatre classes which I am leading will start and a few ideas from my visit will come in handy with the new groups. Do check out the homepage and if possible a performance!

I´ll be updating my upcoming shows and have a lot of news to share! Until next time!





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